[1] Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you, [2] and that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men. For not all have faith. [3] But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one. (2 Thessalonians 3:1-3)
Paul asks the Thessalonian church to pray for him and for the work in the gospel. Here we see five main players in the missionary life of the church.
Paul asks for prayer from the Thessalonians. Not all of them could go and proclaim the gospel away from home in the way that Paul could. So he invites others to join in his mission through prayer. In addition to the Thessalonians, we also know that Paul is in touch with all sorts of other churches. Sometimes he asks for prayer, sometimes he also receives financial support. But the main point is, Paul doesn’t work alone.
In planting New City church in Cincinnati, we've had literally hundreds of "senders." We have a sending church that supports us financially, prays for us, and gives us oversight. We have one time and monthly supporters, who make it possible to grow as a church without crushing budget constraints. And we have well over a hundred people who receive our prayer letter. Without all these people, we never could do what we're doing.
How might God be calling you, your family, or your small group to act as a sender for a church planter or missionary?
Missionaries and Preachers
How will they hear, if they have no one to preach to them? Paul asks for prayer as they go to proclaim the “message of the Lord.”
Those Who Hear and Believe the Gospel
Paul asks the Thessalonians to pray that the gospel would go out, and that it would be honored, "as happened with you." The Thessalonians honored the gospel by believing in its truth, by confessing with their mouths and believing in their hearts that Jesus is Lord. They humbled themselves, confessing their sins and asking for Christ’s forgiveness.
Those Who Hear and Oppose the Gospel
"[Pray] that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men. For not all have faith." Proclaiming the message of Christ will not be easy. Many will accept the gospel and there will be wonderful rejoicing. But some will also reject it. Christians need to have thick skin, knowing that even if you present the gospel with all sensitivity, winsomeness, and grace - some will oppose it. Just ask Jesus.
No matter how much Paul emphasizes human responsibility and action, he always comes back to the fact that God is at work. The success or failure of any ministry or mission rests on God. But this should not cause us to sit on rear ends, click on the TV, and forget about mission. Yes, God is in control. But he chooses to fulfill the Great Commission through the church.
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